用c++解Min Stack的时候被Memory Limit Exceeded搞的很头痛,自己写过链表、空间可增长的数组,用了stl的vector、deque,最后是deque的实现可以通过,搜了下也有用stack过的。
这是cplusplus deque页面的讲的vector和deque实现的区别:
Both vectors and deques provide a very similar interface and can be used for similar purposes, but internally both work in quite different ways: While vectors use a single array that needs to be occasionally reallocated for growth, the elements of a deque can be scattered in different chunks of storage, with the container keeping the necessary information internally to provide direct access to any of its elements in constant time and with a uniform sequential interface (through iterators). Therefore, deques are a little more complex internally than vectors, but this allows them to grow more efficiently under certain circumstances, especially with very long sequences, where reallocations become more expensive.
leetcode一组测试数据共插入7w个整数,需要空间28w bytes,大于等于该值的最小的2的幂次方是2^18=524288,使用vector消耗的差不多就是这么大,额外消耗238kb,即使用vector::resize()预分配空间也依赖于内存分配器的行为。
使用deque的话,数据存储空间大约是(28w/512+1)*512 byte,最多浪费512字节;索引的话,28w/512=546, 索引占用1024*sizeof(int*),额外消耗4.5kb(64位8.5kb)。deque里每个chunk大小的计算公式如下:
1 | item_size = sizeof(T) |
stl里的stack是一种container adaptor,底层使用deque实现,因此内存消耗与deque相同。
min stack实现代码:
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